Lessons for Working Professionals

Professional, Results-Driven Tutoring for Working Professionals

Classes offered: Reading and Comprehension , Conversation and Pronunciation Lessons, and Writing Lessons:


The focus is on fluency and pronunciation through conversations that are based on topics that are of interest to you.


The focus is on reading out loud together, to practice pronunciation, as well comprehension and vocabulary building.


The focus is to write clearly, using appropriate vocabulary, and grammar for the task at hand, which might include work-related reports, or other work-based writing. Job-related jargon will also be used.

For information about rates, please here to go to the RATES page

Conversation and Pronunciation Lessons

These lessons allow professionals to enhance their spoken communication in English.

Topics are chosen that are of interest to you, with both your work life and daily life in mind. The focus is to enhance your vocabulary, fluency, and pronunciation.

Reading and Comprehension Lessons

English literacy, and fluency is important. As such, my reading classes are very popular.

Suitable reading material is provided ,and, through weekly lessons, working professionals are able to read a variety of interesting material and learn how to talk about the content using new vocabulary.

Writing Lessons

The writing lessons are an excellent way for working professionals to improve their English writing skills including spelling, punctuation and grammar. Other skills are involved as well during the lessons.

“You are a great teacher I wish I had one like you in Spain.”

– great feedback from a student, Laura

Achieve your language goals at The Best Learning Space!

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